It took a while for Anne to decide what she most enjoyed of 2021. "There was so much to think about!" But there you are she eventually chose her favourite musics, films, books, shows of the past 12 months as well as a few recommendations from the 2022 programme.

Anne is the queen of the back office. She works hard to reach out and entice audience members to come to our little theatre. She is extremely gifted to suss out who will enjoy what show and knows exactly what our local public wants. That's why she is instrumental in managing our thursday's Film@BirrTheatre. This year, she has put together a brilliant and quirky selection of movies bringing the best of international cinema to Birr.
Top music albums you listened to in 2021
1- Adele – ‘30’ Album
2- Dua Lipa – Future Nostalgia (The Moonlight Ed)
3- Seeing as its Christmas – Michael Buble will be coming out of his cave ….Yep! He’s gotta get a mention!
Best Movies/Tv Series you watched/binged in 2021
Top 3 books you read in 2021
Best show/event you put on at Birr Theatre in 2021
What show /event would you recommend from our 2022 programme?