Film@BirrTheatre brings you the best of Irish, world and independent cinema on the theatre's big screen, every Thursday night at 8pm. Leaving our hip shaking hit movie Elvis behind, we now focus on this weeks title -a lovely French Film "La Fine Fleur" loosely translated as "The Rose Maker".
A charming and witty comedy-drama, and a perfect reflection of the season, where mother nature is making sure spring is springing. The Rose Maker is a crowd-pleasing tale of the fight for independence in the cutthroat world of artisan floristry, directed by and co written by Pierre Pinaud.
This is a movie where horticulture meets cinema! French organization for horticulture and landscape trades VAL'HOR is sponsoring the distribution and organizing a huge promotional campaign through everyone active in the sector. Spotlight on this fantastic initiative!
Whilst gorgeous blooms fill out the frames, we are introduced to the ingratiating Madame Eve Vernet (Catherine Frot), once a champion rose grower. Eve is now a middle-ager who is having a hard time financially as a nursery grower, cultivating new strains of roses. Eve also can’t deny her habit of smoking from a pipe or calming herself with red wine! She is determined to keep the business which was created by her father, who died 15 years ago, bearing her family name.
Eve had little option but to consider selling to a successful competitor, until luckily her loyal assistant Vera found a way to keep her from bankruptcy. She enlists the help of 3 inexperienced ex -convicts! A 20-something young man named Fred, a 50-year-old man Samir and a shy adolescent girl Nadège — all misfits and happy to be set free from the state. It shouldn't work but it does and with time energy and giggles along the way , the plot points unfold with metronomic predictability, from the inevitable personality conflicts, life lessons, revelations and seemingly catastrophic setbacks to the zany scheme Eve comes up with to save her life’s work.
“A sweet, gently scented French diversion that is likely to teach you far more than you already knew about hybridizing flowers” – Variety
“An engaging tale about competition, co operation and creativity” – The Los Angeles Times
So, whether you like flowers or the French language, or both, book your seats today for this exceptional viewing, charming and witty comedy drama with subtitles. It's 1 hour and 35 minutes of sit back charm and beauty. If only we could scent the air with those incredible roses! Presented with the support of the French Embassy and the Institut Français.