Film@BirrTheatre is coming back at the end of this week. As the evening gets darker, where else would you like to be?
Open to absolutely anybody who wants to see our chosen titles on the big screen, we kick start the season with our first hand-picked title SUNLIGHT Thursday 28 September at 8pm.
Each film entry is €7 however if you become our FRIEND you can come for €5. Make sure you equip yourself with our Film@Birrtheatre card which is stamped for each attended film. When you see five films you can have the 6th absolutely FREE!
Simply our way to say thanks for your support.
Working alongside Access Cinema to bring you the titles and variety we think might go down well in Birr – do we get it right? Well, sometimes we do, and we can leave it at that! The job of choosing a title begins with the listing and trailers from Access. From there, our small team rate from 0-10, that’s our own little scheme and follow on to battle it out with passion and gusto to have that title listed for the big screen.
Do we argue during this time among ourselves – no never, but it does get heated at times.
Then again we are a theatre and arts centre and if you can’t have drama here, then honestly, where can you?

Sunlight Thursday 28 September 8pm is a cracker of an opening title. Homegrown and steeped in the sights and sounds of Dublin, Sunlight pulls on the heart strings of life in general. Friendships can take the hardest of knocks when neither are on the same page and a plan to end a life in assisted dying is delicately, but powerfully, depicted and impressively portrayed by the three main actors.
The Thursday's ahead see titles such as Armageddon Time, Aisha, My Sailor My Love, Woman King and more www.birrtheatre.com for full details and they can be booked there too. So, armed with all that info, grab a pal, or indeed come alone and join us as we press play on our new season of Film@Birrtheatre. Thursday’s 8pm.
See you there.